Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Vegetarian Chicken

This vegetarian chicken is ready by utilizing mashed veggies including cabbage, spring onion, eco-friendly/red-colored chilies and tomato plants. This mix of mashed veggies give unique flavor within this curry and also the mixture of red-colored and eco-friendly chilies allow it to be a little spicy but you could adjust the spice level based on your taste. This vegetarian chicken is offered in sizzling hot dish which causes it to be more appealing for foodies. It's prepared in only half an hour and could be offered for 4-5 persons. Almost all the vegetarians are likely to love this particular dish.


250 gm boneless chicken (decline in small pieces)
1/4 bit of medium size cabbage (or 1 cup roughly chopped)
2 medium size tomato plants
4-5 eco-friendly chilies
10-12 dry red-colored pepper (drenched in boiled water for fifteen minutes)
2 spring let's eat some onions (coarsely chopped)
1/2 cup tomato paste
3 garlic clove cloves (carefully chopped)
2 tablespoons of ginger root (carefully chopped)
1 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoons of cumin powder
1 teaspoon mix spice powder (2 cinnamon stays, 3 cloves, 2 eco-friendly cardamom, 1 black cardamom)
Salt to taste
1 cup oil

Cooking Instructions:

In the beginning put chopped cabbage, spring let's eat some onions, eco-friendly chilies, dry red-colored chilies and half cup water, blend each one of these elements together making smooth paste. Inside a sauce pan, fry ginger root garlic clove in two cup of oil on medium warmth until they become light brown colored. It might take a minimum of 5-8 minutes. Next add some combined combination of veggies and prepare for five minutes on medium warmth. Once the mixture begins bubbling add pinch of salt, tomato paste, pepper and permit the mix to simmer for 8-ten minutes until oil begins to split up in the gravy.

In the meantime once the gravy is cooking, fry chicken pieces within the remaining oil not less than 10 mins or until all of the water of chicken has dried and it is turns whitened colored. Once the gravy is performed place the fried chicken pieces inside it and provide final tastes towards the gravy with the addition of cumin powder and blend spice powder. Allow the chicken prepare for ten minutes to ensure that it soaks up the taste of gravy and becomes tender. This vegetarian chicken is offered in sizzling hot dish giving a marvelous taste particularly with fried grain.

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